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The College of Management and Business Technology and the College of Information and Communications Technology joined forces with Institut Teknologi Asia Malang, Indonesia, and Politeknik Tuanku Sjed Sirajuddin, Malaysia, to host the hybrid seminar "TechBiz Talks 2024: The Role of IT and Business in Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals" at the Rico Fajardo Hall, NEUST Hostel, Sumacab Campus, streamed globally on February 20, 2024, attracting a diverse audience of students, professionals, faculty, and industry experts in Business, Entrepreneurship, and Information Technology.

The seminar aimed to promote the integration of digital technologies and innovation in businesses to improve efficiency, customer engagement, and competitiveness. It also advocated for eco-friendly and sustainable business practices to reduce environmental impact and uphold corporate social responsibility. Additionally, the event emphasized inclusive hiring practices and workplace policies to ensure diversity and equal opportunities for all employees.

In the realm of information technology, the seminar aimed to provide insights into emerging technologies and their role in organizational transformation. It encouraged businesses to align their IT practices with social responsibility and support the Sustainable Development Goals while promoting the ethical use of technology.

The seminar commenced with an ecumenical prayer and the singing of national anthems, followed by welcoming remarks from Mr. Alexander Cochanco and Dr. Rollieza Grace Taruc. Ms. Nur Laila Tul Aqromi introduced the keynote speaker, Ms. Risa Santoso, the Rector of Institut Asia, who delivered a speech on the theme.

Resource speakers addressed various topics related to entrepreneurship, sustainability, and technology. Dr. Arjhel Domingo discussed "Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Start-ups: Philippines," followed by presentations on similar topics for Indonesia and Malaysia. Additionally, discussions on the use of UI and UX to promote sustainability and leveraging data for industry transformation were conducted.

The seminar concluded with certificate awards facilitated by faculty members and coordinators. Ms.Vivien Amor Viloria served as the master of ceremonies for the event, which attracted 300 participants from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Malaysia.