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The College of Industrial Technology's esteemed CIT Train program recently kicked off its highly anticipated third season, teaming up with industry giants HYTEC Power Inc. (HPI) and the University Training Department (UTD) to host a series of complimentary webinars entitled "Embracing the Future: A Comprehensive Webinar on Internet of Things (IoT) Revolution, Cybersecurity Resiliency, and Digital Transformation in IT Career Pathways with Educational Robotics Solutions and Service Robots," aimed at equipping participants with valuable insights into key areas of interest and exploring the dynamic landscape of technology in depth.

The webinar's resource speakers included Technical Specialist Managers from HPI, namely Engr. Leandro A. Castillo, Prof. Eleonor T. Rodriguez, Mary Ruth Arante-Gahuman, and Engr. Patricia Mae Abante. Their expertise and industry insights were instrumental in providing participants with a comprehensive understanding of the topics discussed. A total of 946 participants from various State Universities and Colleges (SUCs) across the country attended and evaluated the webinar sessions via the Zoom meeting application and Facebook Live.

The webinar series began with an overview of the Internet of Things (IoT) and its transformative impact on digital interactions, spanning from smart homes to industrial automation. It also addressed the crucial need for cybersecurity resilience in today's interconnected world, offering strategies for fortifying digital infrastructure against cyber threats. Additionally, participants received insights into how digital transformation is shaping IT career pathways and learned about emerging technologies for professional growth. The series also covered educational robotics solutions, demonstrating their role in enhancing STEM education and skill development. Finally, it explored the potential of service robots and humanoid robots to revolutionize various industries, providing participants with the latest advancements and their implications for future innovation and workforce dynamics.